Sunday, November 16, 2014

Don't settle

    Have you ever met someone and just get flustered? You're just like "well God did a GOOD job on them" to quote a friend of mine haha. Let's sadly admit it while looks aren't everything, in this society they kind of are. Then when you meet them or interact with them you feel like you kinda fall flat, and think you'll never be on their level, or ever have them take an interest in you. That honestly is just a bad place to be.
    I choose to believe that there is someone you're looking for who's looking for you. You just have to be patient and not settle for just anyone who comes by your way. God has someone in store for everyone, and he won't give you someone you don't like. That's a promise he has the perfect person in store for you. You both just have to find each other. So don't ever feel inferior because you are worth anyone's love. 
    However remember before anyone can  be expected to accept you for all you are, you have to look in the mirror and be able to accept yourself flaws and all. Remember even the people who seem perfect from a glance have their own luggage that might be deeper than skin. So just don't settle it may take time but your dream date is out there somewhere. 

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