Friday, October 23, 2015


    I am just gonna say it. Treat people kindly. Especially if you care about this person. I really don't care if you are having a bad day, treat people with some sort of respect. Examples you ask? Reply to them, let them know if you're upset, and why if you are. Don't just disappear leaving someone to wonder what happened. For all they know you have decided to cut them off, when in reality you were just taking some personal time.
    I know personally it sucks to be ignored, sitting around wondering what you did wasting your day. People don't need much honestly though a simply reply letting them know things are ok or aren't, get rid of that uncertainty. Yes we all have bad days and they leak into other peoples, but shutting someone out is just not the answer.
    I get that sometimes people need space, but it won't kill you to give a quick heads up (lets be honest we all always have our phones up and running during that "me time" we just choose to ignore everything). If it's someone you honestly care about it shouldn't be that big of a hassle, and if it is maybe you don't care about them as much as you lead on.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Act my age

    You know some people tell me to act my age, that I need to grow up. Well I'm sorry if it offends anyone, but I'm not gonna change how I choose to see the world. I'm forever young at heart and I'm happy with that. Just because I am though doesn't mean I can't handle responsibility, or challenges. I think the fact I still am how I am despite everything I've been through is incredible i know for some people it would be enough to break them and thier view of the world. 
    I still try to see the good in others, I'm still trusting to a fault, and I always believe in the power of hope. I love going to Disney, and yes the thought of meeting characters excites me. I like shows full of drama, action, thrills, and magic. 
    Growing up maybe I missed out on getting to socialize and get out and do stuff more, or maybe the life expectancy we never expected to get passed a certain age, maybe a mix of both is what help lead  me to where I am now. However I can't honestly say i'd change those times because while they were hard they also showed me what true friends were. I do wish I'd started reaching out a little earlier though if I'd have been able to have more time with those individuals. 
    I'm simply myself, no one more no one less. For some people it's enough, and I know for others it might not be, and I do hate letting people down. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Things are good

    You'd think with how long it's been since I've posted that I'd have a lot to say. Honestly though that's not the case. Lately not much has been going on, and while I may be stir crazy at times, I'm trying to enjoy it. Personally drama can stay on my tv shows I enjoy to watch (currently the fall lineup is; Once upon a Time, The Flash, Switched at Birth, Scream Queens, and of course I still watch my share of Gilmore Girls ha. All of the drama, action, and stress in my opinion can remain in those shows. 
    For the moment I'm stable I do have things lined up, so the still waters won't last forever, but instead of fighting them why not ride it out? Enjoy the little moments where you can breathe and relax. Soon I'll be trying to get a job, going to functions as a miracle child for my hospital, and Disney World is fast approaching, all followed by the holidays. 
    Things are good right now for the most part, I hope that things are going good for everyone else out there. I truly do.