Friday, June 27, 2014

Always wanting more

    Feels like anyone, and everyone has something they want, or think that they need, and I know I'm no exception. This world is full of so much stuff. Too much honestly, and at the rate were going will never be satisfied.
    Some want the newest gadget, and if they don't get it they can feel inferior. Movies, toys, technology, clothes, furniture, books, the list goes on for miles. Everyone had wants however, some people let their wants rule their life. Because in the heat of the moment the feeling of need is dire, and pressing. You want it now. If you could find a way to take a breather and step back you might be able to see you are not gonna die without whatever is currently on your want list, odds are it's gonna be sitting around waiting if you can't get it this moment as well. 
    I'll admit I struggle with this at times when I get a want I try to find any way to make it happen, while some would call that resourceful at times, it also can be reckless. You don't have to get something right when it comes out. I know it's cool to have the newest toy first, but sometimes we need to try and get a fresh perspective and walk away. 
    In our society most of us may not realize it be we are so privileged by what we do have, and we shouldn't waste our life by constantly wanting more stuff. Because let's face it none of the stuff we get on earth will go with us when we die. We were born into this world with nothing, and that's how we are gonna leave. 
    So all I'm saying the next time you get an urge to splurge, just ask yourself is it really something you need right now? It's ok to treat yourself every so often, but not to the point where it's the things you own that give you happiness in life. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Treatment not smooth as silk

    So treatment today didn't go quite as smoothly as normal. We arrived on time, but the place was packed, there was like seven families ahead of us in the waiting room. Each having a minimum of four people.
    Finally I get called back, and things seem to be getting back on track however, that feeling didn't last long. The nurse missed my port (and I will be honest that kinda hurt). So after one of my regular nurses came in and acceded me correctly. 
    The day was way behind schedule, and my machine kept beeping, finally a nurse realized that the med was not pumping through. My port may have been clogged. So a nurse came in and tried to flush it clean, it was cold and stung a little. However, it seemed to work. 
    After that things settled down, we got out later than usual, and I was tired and sore so I just went home and rested. My cousin Gracie and LB brought me some dinner after hearing about my day ha. Glad the day is over, and hope nothing is wrong with my port. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

If it's meant to be

    There comes a time when we all have to learn that everything happens for a reason. That all the heartaches, pains, and even the good moments are all leading to something. For better or worse you can never be sure. 
    Sometimes we might not even get to see what our events are leading towards, for we were just pawns in someone else's life at times. Sometimes our darkest hour is preparing us for a future soon to come, that without the preparation we wouldn't have been able to face it. 
    Remember things will happen if they are meant to be, so cast aside your doubts, and live life. If it's meant to be it will, so don't go around fighting it. 
    God only has the best in store for us, though we may not always see eye to eye on what is best for us, he does. Trust that he knows what he's doing and I promise you good things will blossom along the way.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Fleeting, like a rainbow

    Today I tried to take a picture of this great view of a rainbow however, my camera didn't have a batterie, but luckily I managed to take some shots with my phone before I rushed back in to retrieve the batterie. Once back outside I noticed it was already fading away. That got me thinking. How is it something that is such a great part of life can be so fleeting?
    Then again when you think about it the truly best things in our lives are like rainbows, for they to quickly fade away allowing us a brief moment of bliss. It's the people and things that aren't always around, but when they are we just become better people because of them. If a rainbow was visible every second of the day it wouldn't be as special as it is to us. The same applies to the other things in our life. While we may never want to lose them, or let them go, and we just want to avoid the pain their absence brings we have to know that all of that makes them all the more special during those brief moments we get. 
    So enjoy life during those times, and then hold on to the precious memories when you're down. And remember another rainbow is just down the road.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Adventure week 2014 Blast Off!

    Ok so every day this week, Sunday-last night I have been helping out with Rock Bridge Community church Adventure week (a type of vacation bible school). This year I did two campuses, dalton and Chatsworth, so each night I'd be at the dalton campus from about 4:30pm-9:30pm then I'd turn around each morning and go to Chatsworth from 8:30am-12:30pm.
    Let me start off by saying I am worn out lol. Each session had a jump start where we danced, and was crazy trying to get the energy up. I remember the first adventure week I helped with, and how I couldn't stand up for the worship or jump start, then the next year I was able to be up some, now this year you ask? I was up for every song doing all the moves! Plus this was a double session so I definitely saw improvement. 
    In dalton I had the kindergarten kids, then in Chatsworth I had 4th/5th graders each group of kids were awesome. Our theme was Blast Off! So kinda a space feeling. Our motto was Love god, Love others, Live sent! It was a draining week, but it was also a fun week got to meet some nice kids and got to spend time with great people and friends.
    We ended the week last night at the Creative Discovery Muesem in Chattanooga TN. The kids loved it, and I think us leaders did too lol. Though now I am ready for a little bit of rest ha. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Know yourself

    You know people like to believe they know their true selves, but honestly most of us don't. Not until something awful happens in our lives that causes all the useless pieces to just fall off, leaving us with only our true self. 
    We are who we are at times due to what surrounds us, the people, the places, all the details help make up who we choose to be, or who we try to potray to be. Eventually though we will each go through something that will test ourselves, can you honestly say you'd be the same person? 
    Say the person you cared about the most died, or suddenly was no longer a part of your life, would you change any? Or if you claim to be unselfish yet you're about to be in some serious trouble would you in the heat of the moment try to throw someone under the bus to save yourself?
    So do you know yourself? Or do you let others influence your choices on who you are, even if those choices are positive? And if they are without those influences who would you be?
    Honestly though even though it seems cliche, trying to be yourself is all you ever need to do in this life, don't let anyone or anything sway your thoughts on who you are.   

Thursday, June 12, 2014

In between the pages

    People ask me if I ever trade books back in, and honestly I don't usually. Because a book sometimes tells more than just the story that's printed on its pages. It also holds memories in my opinion. They are stored in between the pages. Like when you're on a trip the book can help you remember all the places you were at while reading. Or a book can let you remember someone, when you bought or recieved it, whoever you were with. 
    So I think that's why I keep my books. While they do tell stories, they also hold memories. And I don't think I want to let any memory go. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

When to wave the white flag

    Sometimes when we are fighting with people we need to learn when to wave the white flag and reconcile. When we think about it, it's usually the people we are closest to that where the flare ups come from. I know personally with friends there are some who I occasionally fight with, one where it seemed all we did was fight, and the one where we have never faught. 
    Almost everyone fights at some point of their lives even if it's just once, and holding on to a grudge and freezing them out can be fun while you're mad, but if you wish to move past it you'll have to raise the white flag to start fixing things.
    Now with the friendship where all we did was fight after a while waving the white flag was what we both did, that was also where it ended. Sad to say there was no reconciliation. We just both acknowledged that we were tired of fighting, and decided to move on with our now separate lives. 
   Lastly the friend where we have yet to have a fight raises the question why haven't we faught? What I think is it depends on the people involved, some people work better together than others. However, I also believe that it dosent mean if you fight it lessons the relationship with someone. Trials, fights, and good times are all important things you have to go through with people, in order to mold the relationship. 
    So when a fight does emerge you need to evaluate and decide if a white flag should be raised, and if you want to reconcile. Sometimes it's worth salvaging, or there it may be time to throw in the towel.