Tuesday, July 30, 2013


    Time, it seems like it comes and goes so quickly. It passes us in the blink of an eye, yet it can also seem to last forever.
  Time is fleeting people say, so in my opinion one should make every second count because you don't get them back. So many things can hold you back I understand, but looking from a different angle you could say it was better to have tried and to have failed versus never trying at all. I know some would disagree about that at times, for if you never try you never have to face the reality. 
    Sometimes we allow time to control us, I mean its always there we schedule out days around it, always striving to be on time. For me sometimes I just want the world to stop, simply stop and breath. No errand needed ran, no meeting, no dinner appointment, nothing just for a little while the would stopped where one can breath and relax. 
   Try it just try to take some time away from time lol, trust me it will be there when your done.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Home from vacation

Well we returned home yesterday, and after a long drive I spent most of today asleep in my room haha.
Vacation was fun and it was good to get away, I'm sad it's over, already I'm caught back up in the hectic daily life, no rest for the wicked I guess haha
Had some alligator bites one night they were actually quite good
The ocean:) it was nice
Me at the beach :)
Had some ice cream at the beach

So yes all in all it was a good trip just sad it's over ha

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Passed my final while on vacation!

    Well we've been on vacation since Tuesday, and honestly I've just been relaxing. Going to try and make it to the beach today:) 
    Yesterday I am happy to say I took, and passed my final!! Woohoo! So now I'm off school for about a month! 
    So far it's been a good trip nothing to stressful more or less just a relaxing lazy trip ha. For dinner one night we did have alligator bites (tasted like chicken). 
    I've been up since 4am I can't sleep however, everyone else is ha.  Oh well hopefully they will wake up soon (I'm ready for the beach!!)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Getting ready!

    So I'm going to be headed to FL one more time this summer! Looks like its gonna be my mom, my brother Nathan, my sister in-law Christel, and my nephew Cooper. We're all going to moms condo in Seminole for the week. We are leaving Wednesday. 
    I'm looking forward to getting away for a little while, a nice break. Plus it will be a nice family trip. One downside is my final will be right near the end of the trip so that's kinda a bummer but, at least I have the option to be able to take it!  
(Will try and post some pictures once we get there!)

The conjuring (scary movies)

    Ok so Thursday night I saw The Conjuring midnight showing. That was honestly scary. My friend Kala (and also the rest of the audience) were screaming together at times haha. It was a good storyline, and honestly a good movie, ..just creepy ha!
    Why do some people enjoy being scared? I don't love it, but from time to time it's fun, but why? I think seeing a movie is different, it's safe. You know when it's over, it's over. Where as in real life terrors you don't know when they will go away. 
    Maybe some People use the fear from movies to escape from other fears or problems for a couple hours, they can put their focus on something else. 
    I wonder sometimes about the people who think up these films and wonder how did they ever come up with these things? 
   But anyway horror films are not for everyone and I don't recommend this movie for faint of heart because it is scary, but you should find out for yourself 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

over 5000 views!

    Wow I just noticed that this blog has had over five thousand views! Thats awesome!! Once again i do apologize for the lack of posts, but things have just never slowed down :/ However i do try to start posting more frequently again.
    Well heres to the first five thousand views, and heres to the next.
Also thanks to you viewers, and followers!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Off the grid

Hey I just wanted to apologize for my absence from posting. I know it's been quite a while between posts. I'm going to try and start posting more frequently, last week just got a little hectic. Class work, and the Fourth of July plus some other stuff. But once again sorry for my absence!

Monday, July 1, 2013


    I know some people still see me as limited, and I admit it, at times I am. However, really who in this world isn't limited at something? We all have our faults, our doubts, things that can knock us down, or hold us back. Yet it seems that not everyone gets the same treatment. Once your wrote out it can feel like game over. Yet if you just give up instead of trying to prove yourself it kinda is lol. Is it easy fighting against limitations? No, but once you are successful people tend to notice, because you had to work a little harder to accomplish that. There will be times people hold you back because of their judgment of you, be patient, and if your really trying they too will take notice.
    I'm still trying to prove myself to people. Why do I? Because I don't want to be counted out. I can offer something. So can everyone, everyone has something they can offer. So don't let limitations hold you back, and if someone calls you limited you can say what I say: "Limited? Try Limitless"