Friday, February 28, 2014

Who do we reflect

    Who do people see when they see us? What exactly do we reflect? Is it good or bad? Think about it, when you see someone they leave an impression on you whether it be little or big. So what kind of impression are you leaving?
    Some people are so positive and energetic you can't help but feel happy being around them, then there are the people who sorta drain you when your around them. I'm not sure what I reflect, I'd like to thing positive outlook. However, you have to remember you are always being observed by someone, even during the times your trying hard not to break down, even when you do breakdown. 
    I think so many people try to put up a front and hold on to things that they are too scared to admit asking help or comfort for until it's too late. We wait until the boiling point to reach out and ask for help. Some even then don't reach out, they just quietly fade away. 
    I think it would be amazing if we could trust everyone enough and cared for each other, sadly that's a fantasy world, the best you can do is get a close friend and then just hold on tight during this roller coaster we call life. And just try to always reflect who you truly are not a mask. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Accept ourselves

    We often wonder why some people don't like us, or choose to exclude us. We end up usually end up on the line of what is wrong with us? What's something we can fix? The truth however is we need to start out by liking and accepting ourselves, if we can't how can we expect others to?
    If you like yourself, and who you are then when the few people that don't come along you won't really care. That being said if you struggle with that you might have a few issues with your self esteem (it's not unconmon I know I do at times). 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Love will remember

    Time tends to pass us quickly, and memories start to fade. Sometimes we want to forget, sometimes we hold on tight. I strongly believe that love will always remember. It will remember the cherished, it will remember the treacherous. Bottom line it will forever remember. 
     The times someone turned a gray sky blue, the times you just didn't know what to do. I think part of us always wants to remember everything of our lives including the bad, but human nature is to ignore that part, act as if it never happened. 
    The fear of losing people is truly very common, whether it be friends or love interests. People come and go throughout out out lives, and it's the ones we treasure most that help shape who we are. So it's only natural to fear one day they may be gone, or worse we start to forget them. 
    I think through love we have a way that no matter what happens, a part of us will always remember the things that seem to fade away. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snowshoe 2014

    So let's see how did the RBSM ski trip go? It depends on how you look at it I guess. For me I honestly enjoyed the trip it was full of friends I love, and other great people. Let's start with the question everyone has on their mind. Did I ski? The answer is technically yes. I did go through ski school, and made it down the bunny hill, regular skiing not adaptive (Accomplishment!!) however, after finishing the class I decided not to go solo. While I have come so far already (which several people pointed out), I just personally felt that I just wasn't completely ready. It took all of my energy to do just what I had did, and I was sore, and tired. Yet I did get to share my testimony with the lady who walked me back to the rental station. So I feel like I was right where I needed to be. Was I bummed I couldn't do more in the athletic department? Yes but, I wasn't about to let that pressure me into doing something where I could get seriously hurt. (FYI ski boots are the most awful shoes I've ever had the displeasure of wearing).
    Otherwise the trip was relaxing and fun, there was a lot of walking at times, but I took breaks and no one seemed to mind. For dinner the second night a group of us ate at a pizza place it was so cool, I mean you look outside and you see so much snow. The next  night ate with one of the students in my room (also named Cameron) had a shrimp sandwich. Plus I made the whole trip without walker! That I think is another accomplishment. All in all I say it was a pretty good trip. There were few realizations that i'll admit took some of the fun out of the trip at the end, but really isn't the end always the part that gets us?
    One of the funny things is no matter when I go on a trip no matter how long I stay away, I always expect everything to have changed while I was away, but it never does. I get back and everything's the same. Will I return to snowshoe? I think it's a good possibility, but for now i'm glad to be back home safe.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Let's get real

    Let's be honest. Let's get real. Let's all admit it. At least in one point of our lives we've each done something we regret, a mistake that blew up in our faces. First thing you gotta remember is it's natural, everyone screws up at some point. You shouldn't judge yourself or anyone for that matter based on their mistakes. It's how you handle yourself after the mistake that you should judge yourself on.
    Sometimes we overreact, and blow things out of proportion. While other times are actually justified in out feelings, because sometimes when we screw up it affects more than just ourselves. 
    I know it's bees said before, but time does help. There is no exact amount, but he in enough and whatever happened will slowly start to fade. Don't ever let someone knock you down because of a mistake, because they aren't perfect, no one is. So when you screw up try to keep your head up, and learn from it. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014


    Today we in GA got a lot of snow!! 9 inches. Yesterday we had some enough to sled in (which I did with my cousin Gracie and her boyfriend Austin). We did our own interpretation of the Olympis Luge event haha. Then it snowed again all night I went out after midnight to see Jack Frost had covered everything with a blanket of snow, so what did I do? Naturally I built a snowman till after five in the morning ha. 
    We did lose power as did several people but we got it back fairly quickly. So all in all the great snow day of 2014 was overall pretty nice. I'm ready for it to melt though as I need to get things to pack for my trip this weekend to Snowshoe WV. (Ski trip!!)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

First Wrestling match

    So yesterday I got to spend the day with one if my boys (Jon Tant) from the small group I teach on Sunday nights, at his wrestling tournament. Was actually the first time i had personally watched wrestling. He was actually really good, like he won every match. So I kinda don't wanna ever make him mad haha, because that guys in shape and could kick my butt. Plus it was nice getting to hang out one on one with him outside of church. It lasted around 8am-5pm (joys of being a leader ha), but seriously I enjoyed it.
    Took me a little while to understand the rules, and follow what was happening, from what I observed you want to pin the opponent with both their shoulders touching the ground. It was also cool the fact he was on the pioneers team (north whitfield middle), which was where I went to middle school, so fun cheering for my old school. 
    I was tired when I got home, guess it was a long day, not as young as I used to be I guess ha.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Curve balls

    Life is definitely gonna throw some curve balls at us along the way.  However, it's up to us though to handle the outcome of those curb balls. How we handle ourselves, what we choose to do, and where were left standing.
    I know I've personally been sent spinning backwards myself a few times, and luckily I remember that I have a safety net, a couple of people I trust well enough to know that if I need help they will be there.
    Yet I know there are times we all feel faded, I guess is best word to choose. We have to hold on to truth, not doubts, or fears. If we hold on to what we know in our hearts, will always come out ok. Sometimes it will be a long road, and we will get badly bruised. Letting go may seem like the easier option, but trust me its not.
    Yet thanks to the Lord things have always seemed to work out for me. No matter what may happen.