Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween, tricks, and masks

    Halloween the day full of tricks and treats, treats that turn into tricks, and masks that reveal who we want to be, or sometimes even the person we are hiding from everyone.
    A mask can do so much it can take away your identity and let you fade away into someone else. You can also mask away your true feelings and doubts hide them behind a mask where you look perfectly fine, no one the wiser. 
    But how do you know just who wears a mask, and who is being true to themselves? Sadly we can't tell what people are thinking so we don't know who cares and who is just playing a game.  
    Halloween can be fun because it gives everyone an excuse to wear a mask and the odds of knowing the truth rise even higher. 
    While it may not always be easy, you have to trust in your judgement that you've seen past all the tricks and masks and know who you surround yourself with. I get that it can be hard when the doubts surface (honestly I do), but I've also learned the nights may be rough however, if you can remember good memories then you have something to hold on to. Keep a hold of that and you'll be fine. 
    Hope everyone had a safe yet fun Halloween! 

Friday, October 25, 2013

3:28am Thoughts

    So things are still busy, but I guess that's a good thing (honestly could use a break though ha). I've been thinking tonight how sad it is that how hard we work for something, eventually it goes away. I mean we all know nothing lasts forever, but it seriously sucks how quickly you can lose something important to you. I think though it's worse when you see it coming, and your just waiting. However, not seeing it coming can be a cruel slap in the face. 
    Sometimes it makes me wonder then why do we try? Is it because at the moment we don't think about the ending because we've barely started the beginning? And would knowing the ending make us do things differently? You have to fight for what you want, but sometimes it won't be enough, but at least you tried. You showed that it was valued by you. We hold on to other people, and things so tightly sometimes because were scared that once they are gone will have to start over in a way. That can be scary I think. Especially if you didn't have it so great before, you'll know what you'll have to go through. 
    I think generally everyone is strong, but I think were also attacked daily from all areas. The worst is when you've been hit everywhere except your weakest link. That means that your pretty much a sitting duck target. Because the things you hold on to when that's hit are already damaged themselves so your worst area gets hit, there's a good chance that could break any person. But if that happens it's ok, you take some time pick up the pieces, and try to move on. 
   I know this was a lot of random thoughts tied together lol so thank if you made it all the way to the end! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Been awhile since I posted, sorry! Things have piled up, one grandma had a surgery on her shoulder and I moved in with her to help out. Last week I had a ear infection (that was no fun). And then another grandma fell and is currently in the hospital with a lot of problems so please keep her in your prayers. I've also started my 3rd online course so hopefully that goes well.
Just a short post with updates for now. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall retreat 2013

    Ok so this weekend I went on the RBSM (Rock Bridge Student Ministry) fall retreat, and it was a blast (tiring, yet very fun).
    Our theme was The Hunger Games and I think it went over really well. We were sorted into different districts (16 in all) mine was district seven, color yellow, and I had about 8 girls and 2 boys as well as a second leader, I think we all got along pretty good. (At nights when we returned to cabins we went back to our grade level so I was bunking with the eighth grade boys whom I've been with since they were in sixth. 
    We had game day which was exhausting but really fun, full of challenges, and activities. 
    Our lesson to take home was to forgive, and let things go. Which honestly are important traits to have.
    I think I did well I tried to keep up with my district and group, but by end of trip I was pretty worn down, and sore. 
    A lot of good memories were made, and I could tell that people did care that I was there, and that some were watching out for me, which at times is good to know. So all in all I say that even though I'm a little scratched, bruised, and burnt it was a really good weekend.