Friday, February 14, 2014

Let's get real

    Let's be honest. Let's get real. Let's all admit it. At least in one point of our lives we've each done something we regret, a mistake that blew up in our faces. First thing you gotta remember is it's natural, everyone screws up at some point. You shouldn't judge yourself or anyone for that matter based on their mistakes. It's how you handle yourself after the mistake that you should judge yourself on.
    Sometimes we overreact, and blow things out of proportion. While other times are actually justified in out feelings, because sometimes when we screw up it affects more than just ourselves. 
    I know it's bees said before, but time does help. There is no exact amount, but he in enough and whatever happened will slowly start to fade. Don't ever let someone knock you down because of a mistake, because they aren't perfect, no one is. So when you screw up try to keep your head up, and learn from it. 

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