Almost everyone fights at some point of their lives even if it's just once, and holding on to a grudge and freezing them out can be fun while you're mad, but if you wish to move past it you'll have to raise the white flag to start fixing things.
Now with the friendship where all we did was fight after a while waving the white flag was what we both did, that was also where it ended. Sad to say there was no reconciliation. We just both acknowledged that we were tired of fighting, and decided to move on with our now separate lives.
Lastly the friend where we have yet to have a fight raises the question why haven't we faught? What I think is it depends on the people involved, some people work better together than others. However, I also believe that it dosent mean if you fight it lessons the relationship with someone. Trials, fights, and good times are all important things you have to go through with people, in order to mold the relationship.
So when a fight does emerge you need to evaluate and decide if a white flag should be raised, and if you want to reconcile. Sometimes it's worth salvaging, or there it may be time to throw in the towel.
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