We are who we are at times due to what surrounds us, the people, the places, all the details help make up who we choose to be, or who we try to potray to be. Eventually though we will each go through something that will test ourselves, can you honestly say you'd be the same person?
Say the person you cared about the most died, or suddenly was no longer a part of your life, would you change any? Or if you claim to be unselfish yet you're about to be in some serious trouble would you in the heat of the moment try to throw someone under the bus to save yourself?
So do you know yourself? Or do you let others influence your choices on who you are, even if those choices are positive? And if they are without those influences who would you be?
Honestly though even though it seems cliche, trying to be yourself is all you ever need to do in this life, don't let anyone or anything sway your thoughts on who you are.
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