Some want the newest gadget, and if they don't get it they can feel inferior. Movies, toys, technology, clothes, furniture, books, the list goes on for miles. Everyone had wants however, some people let their wants rule their life. Because in the heat of the moment the feeling of need is dire, and pressing. You want it now. If you could find a way to take a breather and step back you might be able to see you are not gonna die without whatever is currently on your want list, odds are it's gonna be sitting around waiting if you can't get it this moment as well.
I'll admit I struggle with this at times when I get a want I try to find any way to make it happen, while some would call that resourceful at times, it also can be reckless. You don't have to get something right when it comes out. I know it's cool to have the newest toy first, but sometimes we need to try and get a fresh perspective and walk away.
In our society most of us may not realize it be we are so privileged by what we do have, and we shouldn't waste our life by constantly wanting more stuff. Because let's face it none of the stuff we get on earth will go with us when we die. We were born into this world with nothing, and that's how we are gonna leave.
So all I'm saying the next time you get an urge to splurge, just ask yourself is it really something you need right now? It's ok to treat yourself every so often, but not to the point where it's the things you own that give you happiness in life.