It happens every day. In the time it took you to read just this far, over one thousabd people have been hurt by it. Cyberbullying is real, and it's not going away. Its's not something you can shrug off, or tell someone to simply ignore it. Once it's out there, it's there forever. Little snipes can start a snowball of damage, or even just hurt the victim far more than the bully intended to, but that's no excuse.
In this day and time we are surrounded by social media, statuses, updates, pictures, videos, are all being posted online. Honestly these bully hold so much power probably without even realizing it at times, but the sad thing is they are cowards. They hide behind their computers, even fake profiles when they start up their games. I can honestly say I've personally been the victim of cyberbullying on pictures I've posted. It hurts. Especially when it's someone you've never met, or even chatted with. They took the time to troll your account and find something to make fun of.
Personally I delete the picture or the comment, then there's the wonderful BLOCK button. If you see someone getting attacked online you shouldn't just read it, call the bully out, and be like why are you being such a jerk? I know the last time I had a friend call out the creep, and he never responded. So they can be shut down. It's ok to feel hurt when it happens don't let anyone tell you otherwise, but after that's when you've gotta shake it off.
Cyberbullying can be just as harmful if not more than regular bullying. It can cause so much more mental problems in the victim leaving them feeling alone, and where they eventually stop reaching out to other people, or grow to expect the worst out of everyone. If people would start spreading love and kindness instead of hate, and insults the internet would be a lot more of a safe fun place. If you find it fun to do any form of cyberbullying or feel the need to bring others down for a laugh maybe you need to talk to someone because you have some issues.
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