So things are still busy, but I guess that's a good thing (honestly could use a break though ha). I've been thinking tonight how sad it is that how hard we work for something, eventually it goes away. I mean we all know nothing lasts forever, but it seriously sucks how quickly you can lose something important to you. I think though it's worse when you see it coming, and your just waiting. However, not seeing it coming can be a cruel slap in the face.
Sometimes it makes me wonder then why do we try? Is it because at the moment we don't think about the ending because we've barely started the beginning? And would knowing the ending make us do things differently? You have to fight for what you want, but sometimes it won't be enough, but at least you tried. You showed that it was valued by you. We hold on to other people, and things so tightly sometimes because were scared that once they are gone will have to start over in a way. That can be scary I think. Especially if you didn't have it so great before, you'll know what you'll have to go through.
I think generally everyone is strong, but I think were also attacked daily from all areas. The worst is when you've been hit everywhere except your weakest link. That means that your pretty much a sitting duck target. Because the things you hold on to when that's hit are already damaged themselves so your worst area gets hit, there's a good chance that could break any person. But if that happens it's ok, you take some time pick up the pieces, and try to move on.
I know this was a lot of random thoughts tied together lol so thank if you made it all the way to the end!
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