Sunday, July 21, 2013

The conjuring (scary movies)

    Ok so Thursday night I saw The Conjuring midnight showing. That was honestly scary. My friend Kala (and also the rest of the audience) were screaming together at times haha. It was a good storyline, and honestly a good movie, ..just creepy ha!
    Why do some people enjoy being scared? I don't love it, but from time to time it's fun, but why? I think seeing a movie is different, it's safe. You know when it's over, it's over. Where as in real life terrors you don't know when they will go away. 
    Maybe some People use the fear from movies to escape from other fears or problems for a couple hours, they can put their focus on something else. 
    I wonder sometimes about the people who think up these films and wonder how did they ever come up with these things? 
   But anyway horror films are not for everyone and I don't recommend this movie for faint of heart because it is scary, but you should find out for yourself 

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