Saturday, June 1, 2013

True colors revealed

    When you have people in your life, if you are close eventually they may start acting differently around you the more they get comfortable with you. Sometimes it's not so good, someone who was once considered a close friend could end up being no more then someone who just uses you when they need something, then once they've got what they want they decide to go. Basically they have fun with you, but only when they are happy.
    Other times however, the closer you get to someone the better they get. You see they actually enjoy time spent with you. They don't hold things over your head, and you see if they truly can, they would drop everything to help you out.
    How do you know what is someone's true color? You don't know until they reveal it. Usually in a tense, or unpleasant situation when the person is tired, stressed, and just forgets and slips up. What are your true colors? and does anyone know them?

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