Have you ever cared for someone so much, that you would be willing to do anything for them, including risking your own life if it meant theirs would come out unharmed? You never want to see them hurt, and would probably go to the end of the earth and back, if they asked you to.
If you have a friend, or someone like that in your life that is a good thing, it shows you have something you value more than yourself. I personally know I have a friend like that I consider them close as family, and always try to look out for them. However, one thing we all need to learn though, is that we can't always carry other people's burdens, they have to do it themselves because if they fail, those are the experiences that will tell how they grow. For me that's hard, I don't know why but I put almost everyone ahead of myself. I always try to lend a hand to the people I care about. I would do stuff for others that I might not do for myself. I also have to learn that everything is not my fault, that bad things happen, and you have to accept that. I'm still quiet which I guess is why it's easy for me to fade into background and pushing other people in the spotlight.
Once your my friend whether your one of my friends that I've been blogging about in this post or your another, I will always try to help you, just call my name, and ill be there.
If you wonder how you can help me, just being yourself helps me so much, you don't even know.
One of my biggest fears and weaknesses is being abandoned, I don't ever want to lose the friends I have, but I've learned sometimes its inevitable in some cases, but I will always fight to save a friendship.
I may sound messed up in the head to some people, and I'm ok with that. In actuality I'm normal I'm human, with doubts and fears just like everyone else. I've just found a productive outlet for expressing myself in a way that's easy for me.
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