Once you make a mistake, a wrong choice, odds are you believe that whatever you did is the worst thing anyone could do, but you have to remember that we are all human, and we all make mistakes. While you may think whatever you did is the worst thing possible, another thing to remember is that in Gods eyes all sins are equal, so remember that just because you did something wrong, you are still no better than anyone else however, you are also no worse than anyone else.
People think once your a Christian you won't slip up anymore, that's not true Christians are not perfect, I see it as once you make a mistake after your saved, you confess to god ask forgiveness, and if you want to share with a close trustworthy friend that helps too, then move on. Good people slip up just as easily as bad people because to do the wrong choice, "your always just one decision from stupid".
Guilt can be a terrible thing, but it also shows you I think, that you still have a conscious so by feeling that you know your saved and regret whatever you did, and that God is just waiting for you to come back to him.
Don't wait too long, or try to hide your shame because God already knows for starters, then also the guilt (if you have it) will eat at you, making your life awful. Also remember once you moved on, yes put it behind you, but take the lesson from the experience, and make sure to use it.
Everyone screws up, that what happens, it's what you do with the screw ups. It's how you handle the experiences, that's how you should judge yourself please remember that.
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