You know, I can see why people don't wanna grow up anymore, and why should we have to? This world as you grow older the illusions fade away. Everything that was mysterious, or magical lose thier charm due to truth. And after the glamour is gone, we're left with the ugly truth. We live in an awful world. Full of hate, envy, and lust.
People hurt one another for no reason, instead of being happy for others now most are jealous of achievments, and love has been tossed out the window for the simple acts of lust.
When we're young we were shielded from the truths. People try to fabricate this picture where everything's fine. Why should we leave that? Aren't we supposed to make mistakes when we're young, and for the most part have it together when we're older? Not the other way around?
If all that is what growing up entails, fully entering that world, I'll happily stay forever young. However, I do feel that you can grow up without realy growing up if that even makes any sense. Like you don't have to fall into the pattern that this world is leading.