You know I can honestly say I'd rather choose to live a life full of all emotions, as opposed to living without feeling anything. While at first a life without grief, pain, anger, and guilt sounds pretty good, you have to remember the full price all the good emotions would be gone too. Like excitement, and love.
Recently I got to somehow experience this (how I'm not exactly sure). It was odd, but it was like suddenly all the things that were effecting me emotionally one day, simply were untethered from me. At first I thought it was a good thing, but after awhile it was more odd than anything. Things would happen that normally would get a reaction out of me however, nothing happened.
Finally though I got some really good news, something that I should have been ecstatic about, while I was happy, there was honestly not any excitement. That's what got me thinking because I realized normally I would be jumping up and down over this. So what was the problem?
Well the next day things were apparently back to normal however, it was funny, I was driving when I suddenly felt a little sad about something that had happened the last few days. I smiled because even though I was upset, I was just happy to have the feeling of the emotion back.
So I'm not sure what it all meant maybe it was showing me something, a lesson I needed to see, or maybe it was all in my head. Either way I did learn something. A world without emotions isn't real, and neither would a world with only good emotions. We need the bad stuff in our lives so that we truly appreciate the good. Plus the feelings we get just remind us that we are human, and we care.