Monday, September 24, 2012


    Well thursday night I was in a car accident, I had just taken a friend home, and was going around a curve when a deer came out. I swerved and missed the deer, but slammed into a guard rail. Thankfully I'm ok, my heart did go off, but I got it settled. The car as of now I'd unsafe to drive, luckily if family, and some great friends who are helping me out.
Ironically at church the new series is called "Guardrails". Going over not the guard rails on our roads, but the kind that we can put up to protect us from going astray. Usually Guardrails are there to keep you safe from a worse possibility.
Hopefully car will be fixed sometime throughout next few weeks.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Been sick

    Sorry for the delay in posts i know normally theres at least one every few days, and now that may stay true or i may post less frequently haven't decided, but anyway for the last week I have been awfully sick. Honestly thought I was never going to get better, but here I am able to stand up without getting dizzy and passing out lol. Downside however I've neglected physical therapy and can see the difference do have to get back on that.
    While I was sick I watched tv shows and read books lol. Sabrina the teenage witch, Gilmore girls, switched at birth, and my newest show Once upon a time. Books were the Iron legends, and Lies beneath. All of that didn't help time go faster, but it did make it partially more bearable. I'm not 100% better but I am getting there, and definitely glad to be getting over whatever I had.