
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Consider the consequences

    Sometimes things happen that we don't entend to. We need to realize that every action we take, will have a reaction and effect someone else. We need to always think about the consequences of our actions. So much could be avoided if people would only take the time and consider how they are going to effect others. 
     Trying to get the nerve to apologize isn't always easy either, but it's always a good thing to attempt. Remeber though sometimes the apology won't be enough for the other person. Just meet them halfway, and know you've done all you could. 
     Remeber by considering how things will play out you could avoid a lot of problems. So slow down it's easier to take your time and get something done right than having to go back and clean up the mess from rushing into things.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Disney is coming

    Sometimes we can have something we are planning seem really important, and to us it really is. We've made plans, got things in order and everything is now just waiting for the time to come. However, don't let everything else pass you by as you're waiting for what's up ahead. Each day has the opportunity to offer so much.
    So long story short were getting ready for a Disney Vacation! Honestly I'm freaking excited it will be with the MPS society, hopefully I have a friend coming (don't wanna jinx it lol, it will be during December close to Christmas, and will be staying at the contemporary resort. Reservations have been made, and everything is coming along nicely, it's so close almost an arms length away. Yet like I said before while it's tempting to just want to wait and watch the hours tick by, I don't wanna waste two months say by just waiting. 
    So while I'm happily counting down the days I'll still manage to try and enjoy all these days that are separating me and my disney trip lol

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Happily stay forever young

    You know, I can see why people don't wanna grow up anymore, and why should we have to? This world as you grow older the illusions fade away. Everything that was mysterious, or magical lose thier charm due to truth. And after the glamour is gone, we're left with the ugly truth. We live in an awful world. Full of hate, envy, and lust. 
    People hurt one another for no reason, instead of being happy for others now most are jealous of achievments, and love has been tossed out the window for the simple acts of lust.  
    When we're young we were shielded from the truths. People try to fabricate this picture where everything's fine. Why should we leave that? Aren't we supposed to make mistakes when we're young, and for the most part have it together when we're older? Not the other way around?
    If all that is what growing up entails, fully entering that world, I'll happily stay forever young. However, I do feel that you can grow up without realy growing up if that even makes any sense. Like you don't have to fall into the pattern that this world is leading.